
ESS-Gymnasiet is an Upper Secondary School with a total of about 350 students. The school caters for students with special needs aged 16-19. The students are socially and academically heterogeneous. We teach refugees, students with various psychiatric problems that interfere with their learning and students that are second and first generation immigrants. A large number of our students come from disadvantaged areas. The only common denominator is that they need our safe, intimate environment to be able to function in a school environment.

The organization is spread out in the central parts of the city of Stockholm, based on various special needs and the specific goals of the students. The social science program is housed in a building on the waterfront in downtown Stockholm, facing city hall. With a staff of approximately 100 we are able to provide extensive help for each student.

ESS-Gymnasiet would also give a valuable addition in the sense that the school only has students with special needs of – more or less – every kind.

We are working very hard to create social inclusion, and one of the ways we wish to reach this is to give our students the tools needed in this globalized era. During their time in ESS-Gymnasiet they study English and a third language (German/Spanish).
