Silvija Kalinauskaite

Silvija ([birthday day=”01.04.1996″]) took part in our workshop in Vilnius, Lithuania, in 2014. She attends Vilnius Mykolas Biržiška gymnasium and enjoys arts, music, literature as well as travelling. As many of her peers, she has not decided on a particular profession just yet; but Silvija would love to devote her life to a job that would serve the community, allowing her to challenge her abilities and intelligence.

For me, “My Europe” is…

free, versatile, creative space for people to live, study and cooperate while creating a strong European community.

If you could, what would be the first thing you would change in Europe?

Firstly, I would try to redefine the European identity. Remind the members of the Union our shared values, strength that lies in our versatility and the need to seek for the common good united.

Activities for the Youth Council:

Member of the Working Group on Education (since 2014)
