Katya Georgieva Ivanova

Position: Deputy Chairwoman

Katya ([birthday day=”01.01.2001″]) participated in the Sofia Workshop in 2016. She is attending 7th Secondary School” Sveti Sedmochislenitsi” in Sofia. She really like music. In addition, she loves sports, and her favorites are Tae Kwon Do and swimming. She has trained in both for many years. She also enjoy travelling to new places, meeting new people and learning about other cultures. She would like to become an Anthropologist in the future.


My Europe is my home- full of art, culture and remarkable, diverse history. It could be the home of many other people, who don’t have homes.”

If you could, what would be the first thing you would change in Europe?

The first thing I would change in Europe would be to provide shelter and food for the refugees. Everyone deserves to live a decent, normal life, without being threatened every day. Moreover, I think we should treat the immigrants the way we would like to be treated if we had their misfortunate destiny.


Activities for the Youth Council:

Winner My Europe Workshop Sofia (2016)
Participant Get2Gather Moscow (2017)
Deputy Chairwoman (2017-2019)
