The future, the word which has a powerful meaning. A time that flows even right now. It is hard to imagine it, but humans never take themselves from this idea. Every human being thought this, The future, and Europe the continent which has been a home for lots of different nations such as Roman Empire, Germany, France, Ottoman Empire , Spain. It had lots of important events. Reinnesance, Geographial Explorations, Reformation, etc. Now it is the most effective continent in the world.It has a great past, but what about its future? Nowadays, people think how our countries, our continent will be in the future, what will change? So how will be Europe in the future, will it improve or fall ?

First, Europe will change with European Union. The European Union is an economic and political union or confederation of 27 member states which are located primarily in Europe. In my opinion, European Union will be enlarged as possible as it can be. Because, I think in the future there are very high inflation rates and unpained loans to other countries. So the only salvation way to get over this big economic crises are a union which is supported by all of the Europe without any qualification. So I think from Spain to Turkey or Russia, all European countries will have joined to European Union for economic reasons. I think this union might be enlarged because of military reasons too, because there are risks waiting for all European countries. Some countries which have strong military and overpopulated will have fuel and water shortage, countries like China, USA, because they won‘t have any chance ,but attack small countries in Europe, at least small for huge countries. So the EU ( European Union) needs to be enlarged for safety of Europe.

Second, Europe will change by it‘s money. The Euro, is the offical currency of the eurozone, which consists of 17 of the 27 member states of the European Union. It is also the currency used by the Institutions of European Union. The European Union (EU) is governed by seven institutions. They are : the European Parliament, the European Council, the Council of the European Union, the European Commission, the Court of Justice of the European Union, the European Central Bank and the Court of Auditors. By 2050, Euro will have failed and most of the economies will have collapsed. Even now there are serious problems with euro and by 2050, it will be tripled. Nowadays Greece and Spain‘s economies have already collapsed and by then there will be only few countries whose economies can barely survive. And because of it, only solution to restore the economy is to revert to old money of the countries. So France will revert to Franc, Germany will revert to Mark etc. and even this solution could hardly fix the economies , so European Union declares that it enlarges itself which brings us to the first theory.

Third, Europe will change by its migration policy. An immigration policy is any policy of a state that deals with the transit of people across its borders into the country, but especially those that intend to work and to remain in the country. Immigration policies can range from allowing no migration at all to allowing most types of migration, such as free immigration. Often, racial or religious bias is tied to immigration policy for example, a country might only allow common wealth citizens admission.Ethnic relations policy within a country can usually be broadly categorized as either assimilationist or multiculturalist. According to current projections, the global population will reach eight billion by 2030, and will have likely reached around nine billion by 2050. Therefore, the external migrations will be abolished because all countries will be overpopulated and its disadventages are, that the Earth is a limited physical space and over 3/4 of it is water. Thus, land becomes scarce as more and more people are born. We can build taller and taller buildings but that take money and time, Also like before, Earth is a limited space and there is a limited space to make food. Even without overpopulation there is starvation but with overpopulation, there is mass starvation. In addition, people expel „waste“ and also make artificial waste (plastic, metal ,etc.) All that waste has to go somewhere and landfills are simply not large enough or plentiful enough. We could reject that waste into space but then space becomes cluttered itself and some of that waste starts to orbit around the Earth. Then it eventually falls back into Earth! And, When people get cluttered, diseases spread much more quickly. So people would die faster. But I think internal migrations won‘t be abolished because humans can‘t be restricted as that much, but people might spread to South to North or North to South because by 2050 polarization of East to West will have reached maximum so people would want to escape from overpopulated places and spread around all over the country.

In addition, Europe will change with is relations with Turkey and how Turkey becomes the most influencal and the most strategical country depending on its geographical and geopolitical point in the world. Turkey, the bright country, which is connecting Europe and Asia, tries to join European Union since 2005 . In my opinion, by 2050 Turkey will become one of the key states in European Union, because by then all the underground treasures of Turkey will come to light. Especially ,which is the substance which is seen as the fuel of the future boron‘s 76% is under Turkey, and by 2020 Petrol will run out and boron will be used in cars. So Turkey‘s economy won‘t collapse and boron will be used. With it, Turkey will have accepted to European Union and even it will be the head state of EU so, Turkey will handle all negotiations and agreements in EU with internal topics and external topics. And also Turkey will sign a trade agreement within Europe and Bosphorus will be the key center for global and continental trades.

Lastly, Europe will change its enviormental policies as global warming increases and it gets more dangerous each day. Environmental policy is any action deliberately taken to manage human activities with a view to prevent, reduce, or mitigate harmful effects on nature and natural resources, and ensuring that man-made changes to the environment do not have harmful effects on humans. The European Union has some of the world‘s highest enviormental standarts, developed over decades. Its main priorities today are, protecting endangered species and habitats and using natural resources more efficently, goals that also help the economy by fostering innovation and enterprise. Some of the EU‘s strategies are : Biodiversity, which is the strategy that the EU has to stop the decline of endangered species and habitats by 2020. Using resources efficiently, which is that if we are to avoid a crisis in our use of limited natural resources, fundamental changes are needed to our economy, as well as lawmaking, the EU helps provide the public education, research and public funding is crucial for this. The strategies also include, clean water, clean air and reducion of wastes. The European Union enviormental policy was formally founded with the European Council declaration made in Paris in October 1972, and especially in the last decade its environmental policies have developed at unexpected speed, because in the last decade people recognised the astonishing increase of pollutions and global warming. So I think in the future, there will be addition to the policy but nothing will be excluded from the policy. I think to the water policy there will be an addition which reduces usage of the water in chemical places, factories and big companies to save the future generations and reduce the water usage to stop the water shortage which I think will occur in the future. I think there will be a new policy for abolishing to cut trees. By 2050, the trees will have been very few and it will cause an oxygen destabilitation and it will destroy the balance of nature and this will cause a huge chaos ,so EU will try to find a solution and it will add that ,tree cutting will be banned and making papers from trees will everyone except making holy books. And the last addition that will have made is restriction of making nuclear weapons. By 2050, the nuclear weapons will have been so powerful that a weapon that can destroy the whole world will have invented. So the EU council will decide that there this must be stopped and they will add this for protecting the environment from nuclear diseases and radiactive matters. So they restrict all the nuclear weapons except atom bomb, and the agreement will accept launching atom bomb in only emergency situations. So in future this will be the enviormental policy in my opinion To sum up, Europe will have been changed by 2050 in the ways which are European Union, money, migration policies, Turkey‘s relations with Europe and its acceptance to European Union and Europe‘s enviornmental policies . European Union will be enlarged because of economy and military. Money will be changed to old currencys from euro because of collapsing of euro. Lastly, Europe will change by its migration policies, external migration will be abolished because of overpopulation but internal migration will stay still because of restiction of human rights. Turkey‘s relations with Europe will be maximum as possible and İt will become the head state of European Union. The enviornmental policies will not be changed but there will be some addition to it such as, reduction in water usage, abolish of cutting tree and restriction in usage of nuclear weapons. These are my opinions about future. I hope there is a bright future for us.
