It is all about sex. Unfortunately it is not the physical and intimate act which is meant but gender. They say that men and women are nowadays equal, but is it actually like this? Do men really believe in this equality between the two genders? If yes, then why there is still lack of female representatives in the government. The capstone of the European Union is the European Parliament. In a report on women in European politics was shown that the percentage of females in the parliament is only about 31%, but a more disquieting fact is that some countries have never had a woman commissioner. But to change those numbers you would have to start in the national parliaments, e.g. if you look at the government of Romania where they have 20 ministries and none of the ministers is a woman, it is frustrating that folks over there do not trust women. Even in the Italian government the gender imbalance is quite considerable- 27 ministers in which 6 are female. By looking at the European countries’ heads you notice that the best known is Angela Merkel, which brings to the deduction that we should all take an example from Germany. A sad fact is that women are also less likely seen on higher positions in companies, I must say this is quite reasonable because you never know when a woman can get pregnant. But it’s outrageous that males get more salary on the same post then females. Gender has nothing to do with their competence. Gender inequality does not only show up in politics or business but also in everyday life. Take any laundry liquid or powder commercial. Ask yourself two question: Who do you see in it and what does the main character? There is a 99,9 % chance that the answer will be “a woman who is washing her kids clothes”. Come on, do not they have a father who could do exactly the same?! It is a bit annoying that every advert that has to do with cleaning up or staying at home, taking care of the kids is always related with women. Also the word “housewife”, yes it might be an elder word, but this disturbs the equality balance. This might have been the purpose of the inventor of this word, so no man could stay at home, this would offend his pride. No one would ever dare to call a man with a beard and a hairy chest a housewife – would not he? There has been made so improvement when it comes to dating though. Sometimes you still meet people who are very conservative on this subject and say that it is the man’s duty to invite the girl on dinner or whatever. But to fight with this stereotype women should be braver and ask men on dates (instead of waiting forever). There is a nice tradition according to this in Ireland – Leap Day Proposal. The 29th February is the day when women can freely propose to their men. This custom helps to reduce the inequality. Referring to the title – does sex really matter? The answer should be no. There should not be anything like gender division – we should be all equal no matter what sex we are, whom we love or what colour our skin is. What can Europe do to balance the equality of gender? To increase the impact of women in government, by passing a law that at least 45 % of the committee should comprise female politicians. Not only in national governments but also in the European. There should be also a law about salaries – equal for men and women on the same position. It should also be a bit restricted when it comes to commercials – not only women as the cleaning aid but also men!
