Credits EU40

If you were to describe yourself as an MEP for those who have not actively kept up with you, what would you say?

After coordinating an organization with 7000 members for several years – PES activists Romania – and developing several businesses, I am now the youngest MEP that ever represented my country. Having a lot of energy, I believe I started strongly my first term in the European Parliament. I already managed to initiate a pilot project which allocates 1 million euros to facilitate access to health care in rural areas. Also, I was able to provide aid, along with the Budget Committee in the EP, for redundant Romanian, Dutch and Greek workers.

One of my other projects which I started working on is a ‘European health guarantee’, a scheme that will ensure better pan-European cooperation in healthcare and patient mobility. In addition, I set for myself the goal of helping young EU citizens. I’m focusing not only on students, but also on young entrepreneurs, in helping them build a more competitive Europe.

What should be the general aims of an MEP?

In my opinion, a MEP should concentrate on improving EU laws – thus assuring a better life for all social groups – and on defending the fundamental rights of citizens. A MEP should adequately represent his country and the European Union at the same time. And most important, one should not put his political interests ahead of the interests of those who elected him.

Given Russia’s influence on a good part of Eastern Europe, should the EU take any actions?

Yes, most definitely. This process has already started and I think that the EU has the power to prevent further violations of rights and other states’ sovereignty. Of course, we have to take into account all the losses that Member States may suffer, but nevertheless, I believe that the EU has set off on a right path.

With the current situations of certain regions wishing for independence are we going to witness a more fragmented Europe in the years to come?

It remains to be seen what will be the results, because I believe the true debate is about development and the well-being of the citizens. It is sometimes easier to talk about independence rather than talking about the economic and social solutions. Personally, I would like to see more dialogue, results and democracy, at all levels, rather than secessions.
